Creating an engaging website & cohesive brand is an art form.

When done right, it not only looks great, it sparks success!

Are you looking for a clean + modern website but don’t know where to start? Have you tried (and given up) on the DIY route? Does your site feel like it doesn’t even reflect who you are?

Maybe you have a site that was built years ago, but it no longer feels relevant to your business. Or, perhaps your site was never built with your unique personality in mind in the first place. You feel embarrassed when clients and colleagues ask if you have a website.

Imagine visiting your favorite business website
How does it make you feel? Inspired? Excited?

Everything looks cohesive and it exudes so much personality. You feel like you know them just from visiting their site. You trust them. Instantly.


You may be thinking that a site like this is out of reach for you, but I’m here to reassure you that it most definitely is not. Your website has the potential to look and feel equally as engaging (or more!) as theirs, all you have to do is let your personality shine through by focusing on what truly sets you apart… All of which I’ll guide you through, every step of the way.


Think back to that dream website and the feelings it evoked… Now imagine if your site had the same effect on your dream clients.

Picture this….

You open your site and there it is: A beautiful, welcoming, and professionally designed masterpiece. And it’s all yours! Your messaging is captivating and showcases your uniqueness. You finally have a home on the internet that you’re proud of. One you actually want to welcome people into. You did it!


Wow! What a feeling, right?! You feel energized, confident, and ready to show the world who you are!


But it doesn’t have to be just a feeling any longer. That vision… That website… The one that gets the butterflies in your stomach going – we can create it, together!


Meet Your Designer

Hello! I’m Jen Jeglinski. I’m a designer AND a developer. That means that I not only create beautiful websites, but I ensure that each unique creation works as well. Most people are either one or the other, which means you’re stuck hiring separately for each piece of the project. But when we work together, I’ll take care of it all! What a relief, right?!


Trained as a fine artist, I view each site as a work of art. Combined with tech know how, we come up with a strategy to highlight and showcase the essence of your business. Years of working at healing centers inspired my creation of a gentle and encouraging process. Together we can create and build the site of your dreams and you’ll feel supported every step of the way.

Design Offerings

Packages starting at $3,500

Just Starting Up

Small Yet Mighty

You are in the early stages of building your business. You need a website to have an online presence, but don’t need a super complicated site with loads of pages.

One-page websites can still make a huge impact. Built with the same strategic principles as my full website designs, but condensed into one page.

Growing Business

Mid sized yet robust

Your business is established and growing. Good job! You are expanding your offerings. You have outgrown your current website. You don’t need dozens of pages or blog posts or features, but more enough than will fit on one page. This option is for you. The mid-size site offers 3-5 pages depending on your needs.

Established Business

My Complete Signature Web Design Process

Look out world, here you come! You want a website with all the bells and whistles to support your growing business. Congrats!! Let’s get your website working for you instead of the other way around.

I’ll handle all the heavy lifting (aka tech stuff) so you can continue to focus on building your business.

Invest in your business by working with me to cut through all of the tech overwhelm.

When you hire me to work on your website, you not only get a seasoned website designer, you also get the added benefits of my years of fine arts training as well as marketing education and mentorship. I have invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into college degrees, mentorships, courses, and self study for over two decades. Don’t try to figure it out on your own any more. Let me help!

The Process

I often compare the process of building your brand and website to the process of building a house. This metaphor helps my clients to envision the steps of the process without having to understand all of the technical details.


If we want to chat about creating your dream site together, it’ll look something like this:


Survey the Land


After getting your inquiry, I send a scheduler link to set up a discovery call. On the call, we’ll use the time to discuss your business goals, go over your questions, and ensure that we’re a good match.


Lay the Foundation


We decided to officially team up. Yay! I’ll send over a customized project proposal and contract. Once your deposit is received, you’ll receive my welcome guide to kick off the project. 


Craft the Framework


Before we can build your website, we need to collect all of the content that goes on your site. More than just your logo and photos, I guide you through all of the copy that will appear on your site.


Construction Begins


Next we move on to the design and building of your new online home. You’ll have a chance to see (and edit) the look and contents of your homepage before building begins. I handle all of the technical details.


The Top Coat


Your site is almost ready to share with the world. We’ll look over everything one last time and make any last minute changes. 


Welcome Visitors


Then it’s official: It’s time to start welcoming new visitors to your online home! You did it!! You created that dream site, and it’s all yours!

I’m ready to take my website + brand to the next level!